

The Antoing plant, the trigger of a whole value chain

While the Anthemis project will focus on the carbon capture process, collaborations will be established with various partners to create a complete CO₂ value chain, with the Antoing clinker plant as the kick-starter.

CCS value chain relies on external partners for carbon transport by onshore and offshore pipeline networks and permanent storage in the North Sea.

The development of adequate infrastructure connecting Belgium, Germany and other North-West European countries to a storage site in Norway with the aim of sequestering CO₂ under the Norwegian continental shelf is therefore strongly needed.

While this remains the preferred scenario, other options are currently under investigation. One alternative includes inland transport via river barges and offshore pipeline transport to a storage site in the Dutch North Sea.

A sneak peek into the ongoing development of
carbon transport via pipeline networks:

Learn more about our plant
and the Anthemis project